Private Spaces
Have lots of questions? Love to discuss different view points? Join in our private spaces, each dedicated to one of our courses, to talk with others about it.
Open Forums
Connect with others in open forum areas to discuss Christian-related topics with instructors and other students that are unrelated to courses.
Promote & Partner
Promote your church, ministry or business. There's no penalty for self-promotion. We want you to have mutually-beneficial partnerships that advance God's Kingdom!
Virtual Small Groups
Join in on the occasional private Zoom small groups for Bible studies, group discussions, live teaching, or Q&A's face-to-face with other members.
Live Events
Receive notifications, be first in line for Live Events: Live Streams, Lectures, Workshops, Q&A, Meet and Greets, Breakout collaboration sessions.
Join in your Christian education and calling journey alongside others. Help and support others and ask for their help and support in return.
Private and Safe
Avoid Ads, Hackers, Spam, Trolls, and Spies!
We were meant to live in community and to grow and serve with others. Don't settle for Facebook with ads, hackers, spam, trolls, and internet spies. Join our private community. Includes church directory, sections organized by discussion topic. Share your prayer requests and your church or ministry endeavors, make friends, and network with other disciples of Jesus.

Get Answers First
Members get their questions answered first on The Empower Hour live streams
Questions asked within the EmpoweredSOCIAL Community forum during live streams get answered first (or only your questions if there's many questions!) Get REAL answers to your questions about the Bible, theology, discipleship, church, family challenges, relationship problems, calling, spiritual gifts, more.

Freedom Fridays
Members get their questions answered first on Freedom Fridays live streams
Questions asked within the EmpoweredSOCIAL Community forum during live streams get answered first (or only if there's many questions!). Get REAL answers to your questions about spiritual warfare, deliverance, inner healing, false religions, the cults, new age and more.